We strongly suggest that our clients protect their intellectual property rights, whether they stem from inventions, designs, images, sound or literary material. We offer worldwide registration and protection of trademarks via the Worlds Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
A thorough search should be conducted prior to any applications being submitted to avoid adverse consequences such as delays, extra costs and general inconveniences.
Once the client has reached a decision following a consultation with our Intellectual Property Team, we can offer registration and protection of your trademark throughout Europe using a single application. Some trademarks may be eligible for protection under several different ‘classes’ – our aim is to assist you in deciding the classes necessary to protect your trademark. At Kaimakliotis & Co, we will recommend the best strategy for the client’s specific needs, and will undertake to handle all paperwork and applications to ensure the best result with the least inconvenience to the client.